Video Quiz Star Quiz 168 Solutions

Stuck with Video Quiz Star’s quizzes? We are here to help! Get all the answers now for Quiz 168.

First Round
1. Watch the video and answer the question.
Which of the following brands is NOT a popular cosmetics brand in the United States?


2. How many bases are there in baseball before reaching home plate?

3. What do you use to wash your hands?

4. What is the highest mountain in the United States?

5. Watch the video and answer the question.
In what city are the headquarters for Ford Motor Company located?


6. What sweet “bread” is traditional around Christmas?

7. Name which country the flag belongs to.

8. What does this plant produce?

9. Watch the video and answer the question.
What was the first fast food restaurant?

White Castle

10. What team did the player in this photo play for, for the greatest part of his professional career?
Chicago White Sox
(Ed Walsh)

Second Round
1. Watch the video and answer the question
Do you know which animal group spiders belong to?

None of them

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2. The Euro is the official currency of the Eurozone, which consists of 19 of the 28 member states of the European Union. Which of following countries is NOT using Eur as its official currency?

3. What is a dog’s average lifespan?

4. The Summer Olympic Games take place every how many years?

5. What the video and answer the question.
The largest landlocked country in the world in terms of size is?


6. How many players make up a team in American football?

7. Which symbol completes the line?

Two kids are liars, three can only say the truth.
Julia: “Jack is only a liar, if john is telling the truth.”
Jack: If Joy doesn’t lie, then either julia or John do.
Joey: “Jane lies, as does julia or Jack.”
John: If Jack is telling the truth, then Julia or Joey do as well
Jane: If you round up Julia, Joey, and John, you will have at least one liar.”
The compulsive liars are ___.

Jane & Jack

9. Watch the video and answer the question.
How do dogs wag their tails to show positive emotions?
Wag more towards the right

You are having a family barbeque.
In attendance are a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. If every person is eating two burgers, what’s the minimum amount of burgers you will need.

14 Burgers

All the answers have been hand typed. Please let us know if you spot any typos or errors. Thank you! Partner: Crossword Quiz Answer