Video Quiz Star Quiz 47 Solutions

Stuck with Video Quiz Star’s quizzes? We are here to help! Get all the answers now for Quiz 47.

1. How do bird parents decide which baby to feed first?
The loudest one first

2. How do dogs wag their tails to show positive emotions?
Wag more towards the right

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3. Which of the following lizard species is NOT venomous?
Green Iguanas

4. Do you know which animal group spiders belong to?
None of them

5. How can vipers catch small mammals like mice, even in the dark?
Answer is all of them.

They have infrared-sensitive receptors
They can smell with their forked tongue
Their body can detect faint vibrations

All the answers have been hand typed. Please let us know if you spot any typos or errors. Thank you! Partner: Crossword Quiz Answer